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  1. 世界文学作品1《咆哮山庄》爱米莉·勃朗特

  World Literature 1 “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte

  2. 世界文学作品2《苔丝》托马斯·哈代

  World Literature 2 ”Tess of d’ Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy

  3. 世界文学作品3《包法利夫人》福楼拜

  World Literature 3 “Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert

  4. 世界文学作品4《局外人》阿尔贝·卡缪

  World Literature 4 “L’ Etranger” by Albert Camus

  5. 古典诗歌《杜甫诗选》

  Classical Poetry “Du Fu Selected Poems”

  6. 古典长篇小说《水浒传》 施耐庵

  Classical Novel “The Water Margin” by Shi Nai An

  7. 古典戏剧《西厢记》 王实甫

  Classical Drama “The West Chamber” by Wang Shi Fu

  8. 古典短篇小说《喻世明言》冯梦龙

  Classical Short Stories “Tales of Morals” by Feng Meng Long

  9. 现当代长篇小说《家》 巴金

  Contemporary Novel “Family” by Ba Jin

  10. 现当代长篇小说《骆驼祥子》 老舍

  Contemporary Novel “Camel Xiang Zi” by Lao She

  11. 现当代长篇小说《围城》 钱钟书

  Contemporary Novel “Fortress” by Qian Zhong Shu

  12. 现代诗歌《徐志摩诗选》

  Modern Poetry “Xu Zhi Mo Selected Poems”

  13. 现代散文《冰心文集》

  Modern Literary Works “Bing Xin Collected Works”

  14. 现代短篇小说《彷徨》 鲁迅

  Modern Short Stories “Indecision” by Lu Xun

  15. 台湾及海外作品《又见棕榈,又见棕榈》 於梨华

  Taiwan and Overseas Novel “Again the Palm Tress” by Yu Li Hua

  16. 《文学理论基本常识》

  “Basic Concept of Literature”

  17. 《中文A1课程精要》

  “Students Guide to Success in IB Chinese A1”

  18. 古典长篇小说《红楼梦》 曹雪芹

  Classical Novel “Dream of the Red Chamber” by Cao Xue Qin

  19. 现代长篇小说《边城》 沈从文

  Modern Novel “The Border Town and Other Stories” by Shen Cong Wen

  20. 现代长篇小说《子夜》 茅盾

  Modern Novel “Midnight” by Mao Dun

  21. 世界文学作品《老人与海》 海明威

  World Literature “The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway, Ernest

  22. 古典长篇小说《三国演义》 罗贯中

  Classical Novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo Guan Zhong

  23. 现代话剧《茶馆》 老舍

  Modern Drama “Tea House” by Lao She