12月3日的“国际残疾人日”(International Day of Disabled Persons)是一年一度的活动,旨在促进人们对残疾问题的理解和动员人们支持维护残疾人的尊严、权利和幸福。1992年10月12日至13日,第47届大会举行了自成立以来首次关于残疾人问题的特别会议。大会通过决议,将每年的12月3日定为“国际残疾人日”。
The 47th United Nations General Assembly held its first special meeting on disability issues in October 1992. The General Assembly passed a resolution to make December 3 each year the “International Day of Disabled Persons”.
1992 年10 ⽉,第47 届⼤会举⾏了关于残疾问题的第⼀次特别会议。⼤会通过⼀项决议,将每 年12 月3 ⽇定为“国际残疾人日”。
There are an estimated one billion people in the world with disabilities, accounting for over 15% of the world's population. The majority of these people live in developing countries. Over the years, with the efforts of the international community, the world has made some progress in protecting the rights of people with disabilities and building a barrier-free society. However, discrimination persists. For example, in many countries, up to 80% of people with disabilities cannot find work.
据统计,世界上⼤约有10 亿残疾⼈。这些残疾⼈ ⼤多数⽣活在发展中国家。多年来,在国际社会的共 同努⼒下,世界在保障残疾⼈权利和建设⽆障碍社会⽅⾯取得了很⼤的进展。然⽽歧视残疾⼈的现象仍然存在。例如,在许多国家,⾼达80% 的残疾⼈没有⼯ 作。
Therefore, the theme of this year’s International Day of Disabled Persons is: “empowering disabled people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality.” As the UN Secretary-General said in his 2017 address, “let us create opportunities that truly leave no one behind”.
Thank you!
教师代表Mr. Cheung老师和高中学生段欣然发言。
The International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 is an annual event aimed at promoting people's understanding of disability issues and mobilizing support for the protection of the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.
According to statistics, there are more than 60 million disabled people in our country. Because of their disabilities, there are still some disabled people who are discriminated against by others in our society, which makes them encounter many difficulties in their work, study and life.
If we meet people with disabilities in our daily life, we should try our best to help them.
For example, on the bus, we should take the initiative to give up seat to the disabled;when walking on the street, people with disabilities should be helped to cross the street.We should also help push the wheelchairs of disabled people if we can.
Students of Haileybury Tianjin, let us all take the initiative to help the disabled and other people in need.
比如,在公交车上,要主动让位给残疾人坐;在过斑马线时要扶残疾人过马路;在街上行走时, 要帮助腿脚不方便的残疾人推轮椅等。