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  为了让复杂问题简单化,在这里,我们的留学申请团队选取了美国的耶鲁大学(US NEWS排名全美第三)以及剑桥大学(排名全英第一)这两所大学要看的软性信息(成绩啥的咱就忽略了,因为中国孩子这方面最擅长啦)。


  1. Common Application(所有美国大学的申请的第一道门槛)

  作文题目:Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talentthat is so meaningful they believe their application would be incompletewithout it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story .(简单说就是讲只属于你的精彩故事)

  2. Academic Interests

  Students at Yale have plenty of time toexplore their academic interests before committing to one or more major fieldsof study. Many students either modify their original academic direction orchange their minds entirely. As of this moment, what academic areas seem to fityour interests or goals most comfortably? Why do these areas appeal toyou? (up to approximately 100 words).(简单地说,就是你喜欢什么学科,为什么?还是讲故事啦)

  3. Why Yale?

  Why does Yale appeal to you? (100 words or less)(简单地说,就是你为什么选择耶鲁,还是得讲故事!如果你说因为它排名高,后面就没戏了!)

  4. Short Takes:

  Pleaserespond in just a few words (no more than 50 characters) to each of thequestions below: (这个也不一一翻译了,就是下面的每个问题提供一个不超过50个单词的答案。耶鲁不是想搞脑筋急转弯,而是要通过这些看看你是不是有自己想法的人,以及一致性。没有真情实感,把自己编得智慧超群这样的活就不要干了,人家招生官不是吃素的!)

  a) The two qualities I most admirein other people are

  b) I am most proud of

  c) I couldn't live without

  d) Who or what inspires you?

  e) What do you wish you werebetter at being or doing?

  f) Most Yale freshmen live insuites of four to six students. What would you contribute to the dynamic ofyour suite?

  5. Essay:

  Please reflect onsomething you would like us to know about you that we might not learn from therest of your application, or on something about which you would like to saymore. You may write about anything—from personal experiences or goals tointerests or intellectual pursuits. (Please answer in 500 words or fewer). We encourage you to visit http://admissions.yale.edu/essay,where you will find helpful advice.



  1. UCAS:英国所有大学都要走这个系统,除了基本的信息外,需要写一篇个人陈述,在这个陈述中需要回答的问题包括但不限于:

  a)Why you are applying – your ambitions and what interests you about the subject, course providers and highereducation.(为什么要选这个专业、大学?)

  b)What makes you suitable – any relevant skills, experience or achievements gained from education, work orother activities?(你有什么竞争力?

  c)Why you want to study in the UK rather than study in your own country? (你为什么选择到英国读书?)

  2. 神秘的面试(剑桥入学面试怪异的问题满天飞,信不信由你,但起码有一点需要相信,它是无法准备的,它就要你的真实!主要还是考察你的思维能力和学科深度)


  在这些顶级大学的申请中拼成绩已经毫无意义,因为所有的申请者的GPA, SAT, AP, A Level/IB、托福/雅思都是无懈可击的,能够胜出的唯有孩子的故事!

