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   2019年7月6日,北京中加学校在隆重举行毕业典礼。出席大会的有国家、北京市及其他省市政府、教育系统的领导、加拿大驻华、加拿大新布伦瑞克省政府、加拿大各大学等中外嘉宾、毕业生、家长及社会各界人士共计1800余人。中加学校董事长彭建华博士、加拿大驻华代办Jim Nickel先生、加拿大新不伦瑞克省前任Shawn Graham先生、国家教育咨询委员会委员、联合国教科文组织协会世界联合会荣誉主席陶西平先生、加拿大汤姆逊大学校长Brett Fairbairn博士分别在典礼上讲话, 高三毕业生代表吴阳同学及毕业生家长代表闵祥霞女士在典礼上发言。


  The graduation ceremony of Concord College of Sino-Canada was held in the Great Hall of the People on July 7, 2019. More than 1800 people, including the Chinese government officials, Beijing municipal officials and other provincial officials, Canadian Ambassador To China, foreign guests, graduates and their parents, and other people from other sectors of societies. Dr. Pang, Chairman of the Board; Mr. Jim Nickel, Chargé d’affaires of Canadian Embassy; Mr. Shawn Graham, Former Premier of New Brunswick; Mr. TAO Xiping, Vice Chairman of UNESCO; Dr. Brett Fairbairn, President and Vice Chancellor, Thompson Rivers University, as well as the representatives of parents and students addressed to the ceremony respectively.


  Afterwards, the official guests issued the certificates, medals and scholarship awards. At the end of the graduation, the school leaders and the foreign guests presented the graduation certificates to every graduate.




  Over 1000 graduates from Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada, Shenzhen Concord College of Sino-Canada, Anhui Concord College of Sino-Canada, Guiyang Concord College of Sino-Canada, Changsha Concord College of Sino-Canada, Lanzhou Concord College of Sino-Canada, Harbin Concord College of Sino-Canada, Hefei Concord College of Sino-Canada, Kunming Concord College of Sino-Canada, Qingdao Concord College of Sino-Canada, and Xi’an Concord College of Sino-Canada have been accepted by the foreign universities and over 80% of them have been honored with scholarships. The university admission rate is 100%.




  Wei Lingyuan, this year’s graduate from BCCSC, who has got a score of 101 in TOFLE, has been admitted into four world-ranking top universities, University of Toronto, McGill University, University of Waterloo and University of Western Ontario.


  The Award of Duke of Edinburgh offers the youth aged from 14-25 a platform for self-challenge, skill training, physical exercise, social service and outdoor activities, where they are able to develop new skills, make new friends, cultivate self-control, and help others so as to enhance their abilities and optimize their personalities to be a qualified citizen for the country they serve. This year, Cheng Yuhao, a graduate from BCCSC is awarded the gold medal of Duke of Edinburgh for the persistence and efforts demonstrated.





  Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada was established in the Great Hall of the People on March 26, 1997. It is a joint co-operative school in Beijing offering dual Chinese and Canadian High School Programs. It is also the first Curricula Reform Contact School appointed by the Chinese National Education Ministry, and the first mainland school that has gained the membership of the “Round Square”. In addition, BCCSC is one of the first Beijing Self-Regulated Curricula Experimental Schools.

  Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada has been established for 22 years. With the idea of “Internationalism”, “Professionalization”, and “individuation”, BCCSC has opened up a way to integrating the Chinese and western cultures, sharing the teaching resources and curriculum, promoting students to grow and study actively and initiatively. In the past 22 years, BCCSC has cultivated over 15000 graduates in 19 graduate seasons, 98% of whom admitted into the universities and over 83% of whom honored the scholarships. BCCSC has been well acknowledged by the society and parents. With the same ideas, AKD has established 28 Concord colleges and schools around China in succession, which has enhanced the globalization of Chinese education.