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  Enrollment Interview Procedure

  1. 在线填写申请表并交报名申请费;

  2. 招生部收到申请表及报名费后,电话联系申请人,预约面试时间; 点击预约面试

  3. 学生及家长到校参加测试及面试;

  A. 测试环节包括以下内容:

  a. 专业课测试


  b. 音乐基础课考试



  c. 文化课考试







  c. 家长会谈——教学部主任,招生部主任,班主任

  4. 面试后10工作日给家长出具面试报告及结果。

  Enrollment Interview Procedure

  1. Fill in the application form online and submit the application fee;

  2. After the admissions department receives the application form and application fee, we will contact applicants through phone to make appointment interview time;

  3. Students together with parents come to school for tests and interviews:

  A. The test includes the following:

  a. Professional course test

  Please take instruments. Exam content please refer to the exam general regulations below.

  b. Music basic course examination

  Solfeggio (written test and oral test)

  Music theory (written test)

  c. Basic course examination

  English: in order to investigate the students' English language proficiency, the examination will be divided into two parts: written examination and interview. Written examination includes listening, reading and writing. The interview mainly focuses on students' oral ability, including speech and on-site answers to questions and discussions.

  Mathematics: mainly inspects the students' logical thinking and problem-solving ideas and ability. The examination is written examination, students can carry calculators during the exam.

  Chinese: good language foundation is the basis of learning music theory, so the language test will mainly examine the students' language organization ability and expression ability, The content of the examination is writing.

  B. Teachers attending the interview session:

  a. professional examination——professional teacher

  b. music basic course examination——music deputy director

  c. parents talk——head of teaching department, director of admissions department, head teacher

  4. Interview report and result will be delivered to parents after 10 working days after the interview.
