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  a) 一首音阶(包括单音、双音及琶音)

  b) 两首自选练习曲

  c) 一首歌唱性乐曲(抒情小品)

  d) 协奏曲一个乐章(加华彩)

  e) 视奏


  a) One scale (including single tone, dual tones and arpeggios)

  b) Two optional etudes

  c) A melodic piece (lyric pieces)

  d) A movement of concerto (with cadenza)

  e) Sight playing


  a) 一首音阶(包括单音、双音及琶音)

  b) 两首自选练习曲

  c) 一首歌唱性乐曲(抒情小品)

  d) 协奏曲一个乐章(加华彩)

  e) 视奏


  a) One scale (including single tone, dual tones and arpeggios)

  b) Two optional etudes

  c) A melodic piece (lyric opusculum)

  d) A movement of concerto (with cadenza)

  e) Sight playing


  a) 一首音阶(包括单音、双音)

  b) 两首自选练习曲

  c) 一首巴赫六首无伴奏组曲中的前奏曲)

  d) 协奏曲一个乐章

  e) 视奏


  a) One scale (including single tone and dual tones)

  b) Two optional etudes

  c) The prelude of J.S.Bach Three Sonatas and Three Partitas for violin Solo

  d) A movement of concerto

  e) Sight playing


  a) 一首音阶

  b) 两首自选练习曲

  c) 一首歌唱性乐曲(抒情小品)

  d) 协奏曲一个乐章

  e) 视奏


  a) One scale

  b) Two optional etudes

  c) A melodic piece (lyric opusculum)

  d) A movement of concerto

  e) Sight playing


  a) 一首巴洛克时期作品

  b) 一首自选乐曲

  c) 视奏


  a) One piece of Baroque era works

  b) An optional piece

  c) Sight playing

  管乐 打击乐

  a) 大小调音阶各一首:分连线、吐音两种演奏法(音阶、琶音)木管、铜管、键盘打击乐要求3个升降号以内。采取抽签形式。



  b) 两首自选练习曲:


  (2)打击乐:1.节奏性练习曲;2.技巧性练习曲; 3.小军鼓:从ppp到fff再回到ppp的密集滚奏

  c) 一首自选乐曲

  d) 视奏

  e) 考生可选择演唱一首歌曲或演奏钢琴(也可选择演奏第二种乐器)

  Wind instruments and Percussion instruments

  a) One major scale and minor scale: two performance skills (scale and arpeggio) of liaison and staccato. The performances of Woodwind music, Brass and Keyboard Drum shall be finished within three sharp and three flat. Examinees will draw lots to decide.

  (1)Woodwind: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone;

  (2)Brass: horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba

  b) Two optional etudes

  (1)Wind instrument: 1. singing etude; 2. technique etude

  (2)Percussion instrument: 1. rhythmic etude; 2. technique etude; 3. snare drum: the close roll from ppp to fff then back to ppp

  c) One optional piece

  d) Sight playing

  e) Candidates can select vocal or piano performance. (or another instrument)


  a) 塞戈维亚音阶(24条大小调音阶)任选两条

  b) 两分钟以上自选练习曲一首(时期风格不限)

  c) 规定曲目自选一首



  d) 三分钟以上自选乐曲一首(时期风格不限)

  Classical Guitar

  a) Two optional Segovia scales (24 pieces of major and minor)

  b) One optional etudes above 2 minutes (unlimited period and style)

  c) Perform one from the following pieces

  (1)J.S Bach prelude in C major BWV846

  (2 )J.S Bach 6 Suites for unaccompanied cello prelude in D major of first chapter BMV1007

  d) One optional piece above 3 minutes (unlimited period and style)


  a) 一首练习曲(车尔尼740、肖邦练习曲或莫什科夫斯基钢琴练习曲程度)

  b) 一首复调作品(Bach平均律Fuga或其他复调歌曲)

  c) 一首古典奏鸣曲快板乐章

  d) 一首自选乐曲(中外曲目不限)


  a) One etude (Carl Czemy Ethdes Op.740, F.F. Chopin Etudes or Moritz Moszkowski Etudes for Piane Degree level)

  b) A piece of polyphony (The Well-Tempered Clavier part from J.S. Bach or other piece of polyphony)

  c) A classic sonata: allegro movement

  d) An optional etudes (Unlimited Chinese or foreign song)


  a) 一首中国艺术歌曲或近代创作歌曲

  b) 自选以下类型,演唱其中一首




  c) 视唱

  Vocal music

  a) A Chines art song or a modern song

  b) Perform one song from the following types

  (1)A 17th or 18th century Italy art song

  (2) A foreign aria

  (3)An oratorio selection (in Italian, English, French and German)

  c) Solfeggio


  a) 笔试:根据指定歌词创作艺术歌曲一首(需创作钢琴声部)

  b) 面试:钢琴演奏




  c) 视唱练耳 (口试与笔试)

  d) 乐理


  a) Written test: to create an art song base on particular lyrics (piano part is a must)

  b) Interview: piano performance

  (1)Three optional pieces (an etude, difficult than Carl Czerny Etudes Op. 740;a piece of polyphony, a sonata or a music piece)

  *Additional instrument is acceptable

  (2)Performing two original pieces

  c) Solfeggio (oral and written test)

  d) Music theory


  a) 专业面试:指挥管弦乐曲一首或交响乐的一个乐章,或合唱曲两首(钢琴)。

  b) 钢琴演奏



  c) 视唱练耳 (口试、笔试与视奏)

  d) 乐理


  a) Major interview: conducting an orchestral piece or a chapter of a symphony or two chorus (piano)

  b) Piano performance

  Three optional pieces (an etude, difficult than Carl Czerny Etudes Op. 740; A piece of polyphony, a sonata or a music piece)

  *Additional instrument is acceptable

  c) Solfeggio (oral, written test and sight-playing)

  d) Music theory
